Resource development and dissemination is an important part of all of NRCDV’s projects and initiatives, reflecting our commitment to offer free and accessible materials to all with an interest ending domestic violence.
NRCDV works in collaboration with partners across disciplines to create written materials, training tools, and audio/visual resources that promote empowering, trauma-informed, asset-based and culturally relevant responses to domestic violence.
NRCDV resources center the needs and experiences of survivors, especially those most marginalized, and lift up the work of emerging and promising practices across the country. Our goal is to bring visibility to bold and innovative work that is happening in communities, organizations, and systems, and to learn from those who lead and inform these efforts.
While is NRCDV’s main resource dissemination vehicle, NRCDV resources can be accessed through any of our projects and initiatives. Resources include practice guides, reports, special collections, toolkits, research briefs, blog posts, podcasts, infographics, fact sheets, bibliographies, webinar recordings, training slides, and more! Access NRCDV’s primary online resource websites below.
For over 2 decades, NRCDV has operated VAWnet, an online library focused on domestic violence and intersecting issues. has long been identified as an unparalleled, comprehensive, go-to source of information and resources for anti-violence advocates, human service professionals, educators, faith leaders, and others interested in ending domestic and sexual violence.
A project of NRCDV in collaboration with the National Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Prevention Council, PreventIPV provides an opportunity to create and sustain a unified national prevention effort by promoting strategies, tools, and lessons learned by state/territory and community-based prevention programs across the United States. The online space offers peer-driven resources and tools to help build the capacity of domestic violence programs and partners to engage communities in the social change work that is necessary to promote a thriving culture where all relationships are built on respect, equality, and peace.
A project of the Domestic Violence and Housing Technical Assistance Consortium, Safe Housing Partnerships addresses the connections between domestic and sexual violence and safe, affordable housing. is a collection of strategies, resources, case studies, reports, and statistics that providers and advocates can use to enhance services and better meet the needs of survivors who are or are at risk of becoming homeless.