At the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, we refer to the message “Awareness + Action = Social Change” as a call for all of us play an active role in ending domestic violence. This message reflects an intentional integration of awareness and prevention, which NRCDV promotes across its projects and initiatives.
In Embracing Prevention as Social Change, the Missouri Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence explains:
“Primary prevention is changing the social norms that allow and condone violence. Preventing violence means changing our society and its institutions—targeting attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, environments and policies to eliminate those that contribute to violence and to promote those that stop the violence. Primary prevention of domestic and sexual violence is defined as preventing violence before it occurs. This is social change work.”
NRCDV’s Domestic Violence Awareness Project (DVAP) supports and promotes national, tribal, territorial, state and local advocacy networks in their ongoing education efforts through public awareness campaigns, strategies, materials, resources, capacity-building and TA. The voices, leadership and expertise of those who have experienced violence have informed the DVAP since its inception in 1998. The website features a variety of free materials, including campaign imagery, templates, handouts, talking points, “how to” guides, and a searchable database of national, statewide, and local Domestic Violence Awareness Month (DVAM) events.
A project of the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence in collaboration with the National Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Prevention Council, PreventIPV provides an opportunity to create and sustain a unified national prevention effort by promoting strategies, tools, and lessons learned by state/territory and community-based prevention programs across the United States. The online space offers peer-driven resources and tools to help build the capacity of domestic violence programs and partners to engage communities in the social change work that is necessary to promote a thriving culture where all relationships are built on respect, equality, and peace.
International Women's Day (IWD) marks the achievements of women and inspiring action to achieve equality, justice, and safety for all women and girls. See how NRCDV recognizes this global day of recognition and celebration each March 8.