NRCDV’s work to serve those dedicated to ending domestic violence contributes to the strength, resilience, and health of our communities and the people who live in them. Our efforts to build the capacity of individuals, agencies, systems, and institutions to address and prevent domestic violence is an important part of our movement’s strategy. See our latest Impact Data Summary for more information.


How does NRCDV’s Technical Assistance (TA) make a difference?

We know that the provision of TA is very important in supporting domestic violence prevention and intervention efforts on the local, state and national levels.

  • ITime lapse photograph of water drop. Ripples in the water with a rainbow stripped reflection.t helps the field know what exists and select what is relevant.
  • It helps improve responses to domestic violence by disseminating information on best and promising practices.
  • It helps NRCDV identify emerging trends and issues for the development of proactive technical assistance such as TA Guidance Papers and TA Questions of the Month.

“My concerns seem to always be heard and validated! I always end a call feeling inspired, empowered and refueled!” – Advocate

Learn more about our technical assistance.

How does NRCDV’s training make a difference?

We listen. In an effort to provide the most relevant training events, NRCDV collects feedback from training participants in order to develop training and materials that best respond to their needs. This feedback also helps us track and respond to national trends through our special projects and key initiatives.

NRCDV is continually developing training events that are accessible and aim to build not only individual capacity, but organizational and systemic capacity as well. Our events focus on developing the participants' ability to provide empowering, trauma-informed, culturally responsive, and survivor-defined interventions services. Learn more about our Training Institute.

“This training helped highlight an important part of healing work: to acknowledge both positive and negative aspects of others and our experiences and to shift focus from past to present to a hopeful future.” - Webinar participant


HThree women of color facing the camera smiling.ow does NRCDV’s policy advocacy make a difference?

NRCDV’s policy work identifies strengths and gaps in existing policies, promotes promising practices, and provides important education to administrative agencies and other policymakers to improve systemic responses to domestic violence at the federal, state, and local levels. We also work to build the capacity of others to engage in survivor-centered, effective, and collaborative systems and policy advocacy.

“Thank you so much for speaking with my students today. I'm in awe of your ability to synthesize such complicated ideas so that people not familiar with the workings of policy can understand them.” – Feedback from professor following training and discussion with undergraduate students on DV policy

How does NRCDV’s research make a difference?

NRCDV’s research efforts help guide the development and implementation of domestic violence policy and practice, as well as support service providers and coalitions in evaluating their programs to better serve survivors. We also work to strengthen researcher/practitioner collaborations that advance the field’s knowledge of, access to, and input in research that improves our responses to domestic violence at all levels. Learn more about our research and related activities.   

“Thank you for your report on survivors’ experiences accessing public benefit programs. This is so important, and the report will help strengthen our advocacy.” – National sexual assault organization