Building Partnerships

Successful collaborations involve creating connections between people and purpose, and sometimes require building bridges where none previously existed. In many communities, there has been limited or no prior contact between runaway and homeless youth (RHY) and domestic and sexual violence (DV/SA) programs. In too many communities, there are not both RHY and DV/SA programs, which creates even more challenges to forming organizational partnerships committed to design and support effective intervention and prevention strategies for both homelessness and relationship abuse.
This section of the Toolkit explores the WHY and HOW of building and sustaining effective community collaborations to help runaway and homeless youth better understand and address relationship violence. Drawing heavily on the lessons learned from RHY/DV collaborative projects funded by the Family and Youth Services Bureau (FYSB), we identify key steps for building relationships across fields, include a Case Example, and provide several tools and tips support effective collaborations.
- Why Collaborate? A Logic Model
- Key Steps to a Successful Collaboration
- A Case Example: MANY and PCADV
- Model Collaboration Protocols and Other Tools
“Hi! I wanted to tell you that your resources are great on the RHY DV Toolkit. I teach health to middle schoolers and we are learning about domestic violence. We decided to send you a suggestion of another resource that we have been using. This page, also has some great resources and talks about the troubles of violence and dating. It would mean a lot to my students if you could add this page to your list of resources. It is a well-written article with great information. I believe it will even encourage others to research and learn about the topic, as it is an important one! Thanks. Sincerely, Ms. Gracie Lee and her 7th graders!” |