What is International Women’s Day?
International Women’s Day (IWD) is a global day of recognition and celebration, marking the achievements of women and inspiring action to achieve equality, justice, and safety for all women and girls.
IWD has been observed since the early 1900s, beginning with women marching to demand voting rights, better pay, an end to discrimination, and more. In 1910, at the second International Conference of Working Women in Copenhagen, over 100 women representing 17 countries voted unanimously to recognize International Women’s Day as an annual event. IWD has been celebrated on March 8 every year since 1913.
IWD has grown year after year, reaching women and communities in developed and developing countries alike. Women’s organizations around the world have observed IWD by holding events that honor women’s progress, while also emphasizing the importance of continued action. Many governments also participate in recognizing International Women’s Day, and IWD is now an official holiday in over 25 countries. In addition, the United Nations holds an annual IWD conference to coordinate international efforts for women’s social, political, and economic rights.
Through these thousands of events, locally and globally, we are united in our celebration and renewed in our efforts.
How can I participate in IWD?
IWD events are held in cities all across the world on March 8 and in the days and weeks surrounding International Women’s Day. You can search for events in your area. You and your organization can also plan events of your own to mark this significant day.
How does the NRCDV recognize IWD?
At the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, we celebrate IWD each year by commissioning or purchasing a piece of artwork made by a woman or a collective of women that honors the struggles and successes that we face. Past art has included a quilt made by PeaceQuilts, a women’s sewing cooperative in Haiti; handmade flying scarfs made by women artisans in Afghanistan; a Hmong story cloth, and a glass mosaic by artist Josephine Alexander, a paper on canvas piece in the style of Matisse paper cut outs by Terry Sitz and many more featured below. Through this art, we join with women across the world in envisioning and working to make real a future of autonomy and equality for women and girls.

Choose Your Joy in the Moments, by Trena Brannon

Rise, by Shaunt'e Lewis (2023)

The Promise: She Shall Be a Garden, by Dawn Campbell (2022)

Bloom Together by Danielle Mack (2021)

no type by Katty Huertas (2020)

The Silenced Sister by Cody Hammer (2019)

Anisah: First Generation Latina Teen, Human & Civil Rights Spoken Word Artist, Muslim by Perla Sofia González Marinel-Lo (2018)

Transformation by Terry Sitz (2017)

A Grandmother’s Love by Holly Angelique (2016)

Wisdom Walks the Night by Josephine Alexander of Grandmother Moon Mosaics (2015)

Hmong Story Cloth from Village life in Southeast Asia (2014)

Flying Scarf from Flying Scarfs (2013)

“A Beautiful Bowl of Fruits and Vegetable from Haiti” from PeaceQuilts (2012)

IWD Art by Lauren Komarek (2011)

IWD Art by Gina Livingston Murray (2010)